David Bruchmann wrote:
> In some points perhaps you're right, but I want to show another point:
> The german-spoken forums wouldn't have become so powerfull if there 
> would exist an official T3-Forum.

an official T3-Forum should be English only. It's just about having a 
The mailing-lists are basically all English (except for one; "german")

I think a forum would be great and would have helped me a lot in the 
beginning - now I don't really care. I guess that's the problem once you 
have the knowledge you don't care about the less enlightened... :p

and I don't think it should be synchronized... for power-users the 
mailing-list is still perfect, but for the "less enlightened" it could 
be a great help... I guess it would help both worlds - devs wouldn't 
need to answer beginners questions, and beginners can help them self in 
the forums (with some help from kind enough devs... :p)

I mean finding a mailing-list and using it are 2 more steps for people 
who probably then just use a different cms...

if I remember correctly it took me about a month or so until I "found" 
the mailing-list; and just recently I "had to" change the url again as I 
used news.netfielders.de [still don't know why there a 2 separate urls..]

| Thomas Allmer                   |   http://www.delusionworld.com    |
| E-mail: a...@delusionworld.com    |   phone: +43 699 16217064         |
TYPO3-english mailing list

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