
undkonsorten wrote:
> The problem is, that there's no way to show both (2) page trees in the
> sitemap.

Yes, it is impossible. But it is not a problem because Google allows to add 
many sitemaps.

> Is the any way to show both -- DE and EN pages? It looks like, the
> extension uses only the first root page found, but not the second one.

No, it uses the current page as the root. If you start from 
http://example.com/, it will start from the root page of the site in the 
default language. If you use 
http://example.com/index.php?id=12345&L=2&eID=dd_googlesitemap, it will start 
from the page with id=12345 and 3rd language.

Dmitry Dulepov
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