On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Markus Deckmann
<markus.deckman...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
>> Before you go patching the core (which might be nice...) why not
>> explain what you're trying to do? Chances are quite good that there's
>> another way to do it that you haven't considered.
> Its simple. On a submenu I want override the original ID with the activ
> page ID, but overrideID did not accept TEXT as value for this parameter.
> The usecase for this:
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Content Site 1                                                  |
> |                                                                 |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Submenu with menu of subsites from Site 1                       |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Content Site 1.x, depends on selection in submenu               |
> |                                                                 |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> User can visit this page and should see allways the content from this
> site in block "Content Site 1" and have the possibility to use the
> submenu of the site. The submenu should link allways on the same site,
> depends on real_uid the content from specified site 1.x should be
> visible in third block "Content Site 1.x".
> Contentslide did not work for me because I need the integration of the
> content on one single page.
> Thanks for hints in this case...

So you want every page in the menu to have the url of the current
page? (This is what I understand the explanation of overrideId in the
TSref to say...) Seems like a weird requirement, but anyhow, you can
just do something like this:

temp.submenu = HMENU
temp.submenu.entryLevel = 2
temp.submenu {
    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        wrap = <ul class="menu">|</ul>
       expAll = 1
       NO {
          wrapItemAndSub = <li onmouseover="show(this)"
          doNotLinkIt = 1
          stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
          stdWrap.cObject {
            data = page:title
            typolink {
              parameter.field = pid

       ACT < .NO
       ACT = 1
       ACT.ATagParams = class="active"

I think this does exactly what you're after, but I'm not positive I
understood what you need. In any case, it should be easy to modify to
suit your purposes.

Christopher Torgalson
TYPO3-english mailing list

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