
I create a form in Typoscript like

lib.myform = FORM
lib.myform {
   formName = my_form
   method = get
   action = someformaction.php
   // some more parameters

The result is:
<form action="someformaction.php" id="myform" name="myform" ...>

so Typo3 changes "my_form" into "myform"? The same happens if I use  
"my-form", camel-case like "MyForm" works well... I need that specific  
name for a 3rd-Party javascript function, otherwise I would just use  
any name. I'm just wondering why Typo3 changes the name? As far as I  
know, are underscores permitted in name-Attributes? There is also no  
advice in the TSConfig for the parameter formName, it's just expected  
as a string...

Thankful for any ideas and best regards,
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