Can you get to your server error logs to check the issue?
Sometimes (for me) when I get the white screen in typo it means the server
has run out of memory or a fatal php error.
If you're on a 'nix box, the logs are often in /var/log/httpd (those are the
apache error logs and since you're getting an error on a site servered by
Apache, that's where I'd start).
You can also confirm where your log is located by going to the install tool
and clicking on phpini(). There's a line in there that says where php errors
are logged.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Dave Bui <> wrote:

> Hi Guy,
> I tried to install phpmyadmin extension
> ( but
> typo3 backend just left blank... without any error message.
> Is there anyway I can debug this ? or any server requirement for this
> extension which I could not find it in the manual.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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