Greetings Gunnar,

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Gunnar Jonsson <> wrote:
> Yes, I have set config.baseURL to the domain name with a ending slash. But I
> still do not get the image to show.
> The URL in the popup window is
> I cannot see any error in this URL. If I try the URL
> I get the image
> up without any problem.

Just the other day I observed similar behavior on one installation
relating to click-enlarge where the window would open, and only the
"broken image" browser placeholder displayed but the address of the
pop-up link looked OK.

I tracked it down to the Apache redirect rules redirecting the image
src path.  I had used the default rewrite rules provided with RealURL
with modifications to work in the server config file, but noticed I
needed to add the index.php to the RewriteRule (paths to exclude) to
prevent the image paths from being rewritten and get the
click-enlarges to work.  Specifically,

It might not be related in your case. Be sure to double-check the
httpd error logs.

Best wishes,

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