> Let me explain my setup:
> The editor marks a page as yellow, blue, whatever in the BE.
> He/She do this in the page settings by the layout dropdown. I modify
> the entry. Now the menu show the items
> "yellow page"
> "blue page"
> "green page"
> "red page"
> In my TS i have a condition:
> [globalVar = TSFE:page|layout = 0]
> page.bodyTag = <body id="default">
> [global]
> [globalVar = TSFE:page|layout = 1]
> page.bodyTag = <body id="yellow">
> [global]
> [globalVar = TSFE:page|layout = 2]
> page.bodyTag = <body id="blue">
> [global]
> ...
> So a blue page have the ID "blue" in his body-tag. I need this for
> page-wide css styling.

Well - if you are already that far, the rest is just child's play with pure
CSS - so no TYPO3 problem at all.
Since it's just about another look for the "active" pages, TYPo3 doesn't
even have to "know" their item state.

All you need are unique identifiers for your "about XXX pages" pages, so you
can style them accordingly:

#blue #aboutbluepages {

#green #aboutgreenpages {

#red #aboutredpages {

You can use almost any field of the pages table to assign such an identifier
during generation of the menu.
The following example is using the nav_title:

1 {
    wrap = <ul>
    NO = 1
    NO {
        allWrap.dataWrap = <li id="{field:nav_title}">
        wrapItemAndSub = |</li>

That's it.



Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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