
Is your menu giving the current page the CSS class you need? If not, after
the CUR < .NO, added `CUR = 1`. Same for ACT.

Next, there's 2nd or 3rd deeper level of code for your subpages. You could
easily enable levels 2 and 3 via TypoScript of `2 < .1`, `3 < .1`.

Now, for your blue pages, are there sub pages? If so and you want to apply
some special formatting try using the IFSUB and ACTIFSUB TMENU properties
like the following.

Do let me know if I'm off target.

lib.submenu >
lib.submenu = COA
lib.submenu {
    10 < lib.submenuheadernav

    20 = HMENU
    20 {
        # Show siblings of containing level down the levels of the branch
        1 = TMENU
        1 {
            wrap = <ul id="subnav">|</ul>
            noBlur = 1
            expAll = 1
            NO {
                wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>
                # ATagTitle.field = description // title
                stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1

            CUR < .NO
            CUR = 0
            CUR {
                wrapItemAndSub = <li id="active">|</li>
                doNotLinkIt = 1

            IFSUB < .NO
            IFSUB = 1
            IFSUB {
                wrapItemAndSub = <li class="plus">|</li>

            ACT < .NO
            ACT = 1

            ACTIFSUB < .ACT
            ACTIFSUB = 1
            ACTIFSUB {
                wrapItemAndSub = <li class="plus" id="active">|</li>

        # Show children
        2 < .1
        2.wrap = <ul>|</ul>
        2.IFSUB = 0
        2.ACTIFSUB = 0

        # but not grandchildren. Just one level below. mgg
        # 3 < .2
Michael Cannon
CEO, Acqal Corporation -- Official TYPO3 Agency for Website Content
US +1 (404) 963-8850 x103  Taiwan +886 9 8329 0956  Fax +1 (866) 275-7385

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 16:35,

> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 02:06:37 +0200
> From: Stefano Kowalke <>
> Subject: [TYPO3-english]  TMENU
> To:
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi list,
> my question is about a special TMENU setup.
> I have a page tree like this in the BE:
> root
>  1991
>    red
>    blue
>  1998
>    red
>    green
>    yellow
>  2000
>    blue
>    yellow
>  menu
>    home
>    about yellow pages
>    about red pages
>    about green pages
>    about blue pages
> lib.mainMenu = HMENU
> lib.mainMenu {
>  special = list
>  special.value  = ids_from_pages_under_menu_folder (home, about yellow
> pages, ...)
>  1 = TMENU
>  1 {
>    noBlur = 1
>    NO = 1
>    NO {
>    }
>    ACT < .NO
>    ACT {
>      ATagParams = class="current"
>    }
>    CUR < .NO
>    CUR {
>      ATagParams = class="current"
>    }
>  }
> }
> This generates a menu like this:
>    home
>    about yellow pages
>    about red pages
>    about green pages
>    about blue pages
> Now comes my question:
> If i navigate to a blue page the menu item
> "about blue pages" should be highlighted (add the css-class "current").
> But TYPO3 dont have a relation between the page "about blue pages" and
> all the blue pages in the pagetree.
> How could TYPO3 recognize the the blue pages relates to "about blue pages"?
> The pagetree structure is mandatory, so i can?t move all blue pages into
> "about blue pages".
> Thanks in advance
> Stefano
TYPO3-english mailing list

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