I have a script that creates a image from the pageheader. But I would 
like it to only generate the image if there is a image on the 
mediafield. As it is now it is generating a transparent image if there 
is noe image in the mediafield.

Here is my TS:
lib.image = IMAGE
lib.image {

        file = GIFBUILDER
        file {
                if.isTrue.field = {page:media}
                XY = 569,419
                format = png
                backColor = #e5e5e5
                transparentColor = #e5e5e5
                transparentBackground = 1
                10 = IMAGE
                10 {
                file.width = 550c
                file.height = 400c
                file.import.data = levelmedia: -1,slide
                mask = fileadmin/templates/main/images/mask.png

I have tried to use the if.isTrue.field several places in the script, 
but can not figure out how ot get it right.


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