Hi :)

[love replying to my own mails]

I haven't got a reply yet on these issues, maybe there's something 
completely unclear with my description I'm failing to see? :)

Or, if any other information would be necessary, I'm happy to provide it.

- Markus

Markus Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Typo3 4.2.8 running on PHP 5.2.6. This version has been 
> upgraded from 4.1.1 to 4.1.12 and then to 4.2.8 recently.
> I've set up a separate workspace for our editor to work on the new 
> content prior before publishing everything in one go. Besides other 
> things, one of the tasks it to move all pages from Current-foler into 
> the existing Archiv01-folder:
> An example folder structure looks like this:
> Start
> |
> +-Archiv
> | |
> | +-Archiv01
> |
> +-Current
>    |
>    +Page1
>    +Page2
>    [...]
> Now as editor, I move Page1 into Archiv01 (left click Page1-Icon, "cut", 
> left click Archiv01-Icon, "paste into") and it appears there.
> Start
> |
> +-Archiv
> | |
> | +-Archiv01
> |   |
> |   +Page1
> |
> +-Current
>    |
>    +Page2
>    [...]
> Now I do a similar thing for Page2: left click on Page2-Icon, "cut", 
> left click Page1-Icon (which is now in Archiv1), but Page2 still ends up 
> in the Current-Folder.
> Repearting the procedure, but I then left-click Archiv01 and choose 
> "paste into" it ends up in Archiv01, but above Page1:
> Start
> |
> +-Archiv
> | |
> | +-Archiv01
> |   |
> |   +Page2
> |   +Page1
> |
> +-Current
>    [...]
> When I now do left-click Page2-Icon, "cut", left-click Page1-Icon, 
> "paste after", Page2 ends up again in Current:
> Start
> |
> +-Archiv
> | |
> | +-Archiv01
> |   |
> |   +Page1
> |
> +-Current
>    |
>    +Page2
>    [...]
> I guess Page1 still has a reference to the Current-folder and thus it 
> behaves this way?
> When I have Page2 and Page1 in this order in Archiv01 and I left-click 
> Page2-Icon and choose "More options..." / "Move page" I get only 
> prompted the other pages from the Current-folder.
> Is this an expected behavior or a bug? Am I missing a configuration 
> settings somewhere?
> thanks for any pointers,
> - Markus
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