On Sep 30, 2009, at 7:59 AM, Arpad Muranyi wrote:

>>> i need to install typo3 under php5 with built in imagemagick  
>>> extension
>>> and no binary.
>>> is it possible?
>> If your are planning to makr a site without images, then yet :)
>> But in all seriously... TYPO3 needs a command line version of IM or  
>> GM.
> okay, thx.
> my host would prefer without command line to avoid security risks.  
> they
> say enterprise cms should be based on built in php5 extensions rather
> than bringing command line closer to hackers.
> will future versions of TYPO3 need binary, as well?
> arpad

Your hoster has strange arguments and it almost sounds like
he doesn't know what he is talking about...

There are no plans to move away from IM/GM on the command line.

Under some conditions you can grab a static build of IM and place it  
in your TYPO3
installation, then point to that version.


                        regards, Ries van Twisk

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