lib.leftmenu = COA
lib.leftmenu {
    10 = TEXT = leveltitle:2
    10.wrap = <div id="your-menu-header-class">|</div>

# Leftside Navigation
    20 = HMENU
    20.entryLevel = 2
    20.1 = TMENU
    20.1 {
    noBlur = 1
    wrap = <ul>|</ul>
    ACT = 1
    CUR = 1
and blah blah...


this example I gave you provides what you are looking for - it is the 
vertical submenu. You only have to play with the entryLevel (the actual 
submenu) and the leveltitle (the header of the menu and this would be 
your 1st level horizontal menu's chosen page) to fit your site's needs.

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

Daniel Rutzen kirjoitti:
> I have a horizontal MAINMENU  main A | main B | main C
> I have a vertical SECONDMENU ("leftmenu") on the left, which shows the 
> title of the current main item, and below it displays the subpages of 
> the current main-page.
> If "main A" was the current site, the LEFTMENU would show:
>  >>main A  (which is also a link to 'main A' again)
> - subpage A1
> - subpage A2
> - subpage A3
> If "main B" was the current site, the LEFTMENU would show:
>  >>main B  (which is also a link to 'main B' again)
> - subpage B1
> - subpage B2
> - subpage B3
> LEFTMENU's html output must be like this:
> <ul id="leftmenu">
>  <li><a href="main A.html">main A</a>
>  <ul>
>    <li><a href="subpage_A1.html">subpage A1</a>
>    <li><a href="subpage_A2.html">subpage A2</a>
>    <li><a href="subpage_A3.html">subpage A3</a>
>  </ul>
>  </li>
> </ul><!-- end leftmenu -->
> To This point, it all works!!! that's not the issue.
> Here's the kicker:
> On Page "Main A" I want the leftmenu to display the pages
> corresponding to page "Main B".
> So, "Main A" must show in the leftmenu
>  >>main B  (which is also a link to the same page)
> - subpage B1
> - subpage B2
> - subpage B3
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