Rudy Gnodde (WIND Internet) wrote:
> Hello Ronald,
> Ronald Wiplinger (Lists) wrote:
>> On my web page: should be two pictures on the first
>> page. They have been there, but now gone. Actually most of my pictures
>> are gone.
>> At the first page, besides the text: Learning is a powerful process ...
>> should be a picture (boy-with-telescope.jpg) with a resized width of 130
>> pixels "In text, right".
>> I tried to upload the pictures again and again, but still it is missing.
>> The permission of the picture  is 755
>> On another page (Adult Eduction) is on top a picture
>> (, and it is
>> in the same directory, with the same permission, and it is displayed.
>> Can anybody give me a hint what happened here?
> I see TYPO3 does generate empty img tags. This usually only happens if
> there's a problem with ImageMagick (or GraphicsMagick if you use
> that). Have you checked the Image Processing tool in the install tool?

ImageMagick enabled: *1*
ImageMagick path: */usr/X11R6/bin/* ()
ImageMagick path/LZW: */usr/bin/* (6.5.6-8)
Version 5/GraphicsMagick flag: **

GDLib enabled: *1*
GDLib using PNG: *0*
GDLib 2 enabled: *0*
IM5 effects enabled: *0* (Blurring/Sharpening with IM 5+)
Freetype DPI: *72* (Should be 96 for Freetype 2)
Mask invert: *0* (Should be set for some IM versions approx. 5.4+)

File Formats: *gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai

with each Testmenu I get only Errors.

What am I going to do next?



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