now I am getting really confused :(

I work on a mac, 10.6.2 and use the onboard apache/php with mysql 5.0.45. as it is a local environment there is just one mysql user root with pwd root.

I tried to make a plain install of T3 4.3.0 as I normally do.

downloaded dummy and src, extracted them with tar -xzvf, then ran on the dummy
chgrp -R www fileadmin typo3conf typo3temp uploads
chmod -R g+w,o-rwx fileadmin typo3conf typo3temp uploads
and in typoconf a touch ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL
then created a db with phpmyadmin and called the install tool in safari

as usual I am asked for DB user/pwd/host and provided the credentials
hit enter and get the message:

"The current username, password or host was not accepted when the connection to the database was attempted to be established!"

whozz going on here? is it too late, am I missing sth., is T3 4.3.0 not as final as I thought?

ok I thought lets try another test with 4.2.10 same route as described above and all went well. retried with 4.3.0 and again the same result as mentioned above. :(

ok so let's read the install.txt again, double checked everything, a last try/test with the same results.

can anybody please point me to thr right direction?!
anybody experiencing the same on osx 10.6.2?

for now I will quit, go to bed and double check 2morrow again.


On 2009-12-02 23:29:32 +0100, G.Unger <> said:


I tried to update a T3 4.2.10 to 4.3.0 and have just a blank backend, frontend is working perfectly. as this was nut my first update I double checked everything and didn't come around the problem.

so I tried a plain new install and have the same problem. backend blank, frontend is accessible but of cause shown no page found. install tool is accessibale as well.

I run php 5.2.6 and mysql 5.0.45.
any suggestions as I dindt find any infos on the web for a blank white backend on the web.

thx & rgds,

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