Hi and thanks for your support!

I've eventually made it work! This is my working configuration:

myvar = CONTENT
myvar.table = tt_news
myvar.select.pidInList = 10
myvar.select.andWhere.data = GPvar:tx_powermail|tt_news
myvar.select.andWhere.wrap = tt_news.uid =|
myvar.renderObj = TEXT
myvar.renderObj.field = title

plugin.tx_powermail_pi1 {
prefill {
  uid4 = TEXT
  uid4 < myvar

Thanks again!

Riccardo De Contardi - Web Developer
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it
Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
TEL +39-02-20.23.271 - FAX +39-02-20.240.561
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: typo3-english-boun...@lists.typo3.org 
[mailto:typo3-english-boun...@lists.typo3.org] Per conto di Jordan van Bergen
Inviato: martedì 2 febbraio 2010 9.27
A: typo3-english@lists.typo3.org
Oggetto: Re: [TYPO3-english] R: powermail,tt_news and mbl_newsevent - howto?

Does this help? I put this on my single news page template settings:

# clear the cookie so it reads the new tt_news variables instead of
# showing the old ones

# place title from selected tt_news newsitem in the powermail form
lib.ttnewsfetch = CONTENT
lib.ttnewsfetch {
              table = tt_news
              select {
                  pidInList = 204
                  # put the correct pid above!
                  andWhere {
                        data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|tt_news
                        wrap = tt_news.uid=|
              renderObj = TEXT
# Prefill fields
plugin.tx_powermail_pi1 {
prefill {

# fill field uid162 with id page
uid162 < lib.ttnewsfetch

# fill field uid159 with current timestamp
uid159 = TEXT
uid159.data = date:U
uid159.strftime = Date: %d.%m.%Y

# fill field uid160 with id tt_news
uid160 = TEXT
uid160.data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|tt_news

# fill field uid158 with IP address of the user
uid161 = TEXT
uid161.data = getIndpEnv:REMOTE_ADDR



On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:04:59 +0100, "De Contardi Riccardo"
<riccardo.deconta...@bhuman.it> wrote:

>I've made some progress, but... not enough
>After founding a thread on a german forum, I've wrote:
>somevar = CONTENT
>somevar {
>        table = tt_news
>        select {
>            pidInList = 10
>            andWhere {
>                 data = GPvar:powermail[tt_news]
>                 wrap = tt_news.uid=|
>                    }   
>               }       
>       renderObj = TEXT
>       renderObj.field = title
>plugin.tx_powermail_pi1 {
>prefill {
>  uid4 = TEXT
>  uid4 < somevar
>  }
>There is still something wrong (not working), but I sense I'm almost there...
>Could someone lend me a hand?
>Riccardo De Contardi
>B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it 
>Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
>Tel +39.02 20 23 271 - Fax +39.02 20 240 561
>-----Messaggio originale-----
>Da: typo3-english-boun...@lists.typo3.org 
>[mailto:typo3-english-boun...@lists.typo3.org] Per conto di De Contardi 
>Inviato: lunedì 25 gennaio 2010 17.27
>A: typo3-english@lists.typo3.org
>Oggetto: [TYPO3-english] powermail, tt_news and mbl_newsevent - howto?
>I'm trying to use powermail, tt_news (last version) and mbl_newsevent to
>set up a registration form for events.
>As first step, I'd like to fill up one of the field of powermail (an
>hidden field) with the news title; here what I've done:
>1.The pages:
>+ - Event list [UID=11] Extension template; Plugin:tt_news; display:list
>|    - Event Detail [UID=12] Plugin:tt_news; display:single
>|    - Event registration [UID=52] Plugin: powermail
>+ Event Folder [UID=10], sysfolder
>I've added an hidden field -  (uid4)
>3.Now... how can I pass the title of the news to the powermail form?
>Wollowing mbl_newsevent 's manual I added to the ext template setup:
>  enableRegistration = 1
>  registrationLink_typolink {
>    parameter.field >
>    parameter = 52
>    additionalParams.field = uid
>    additionalParams.wrap = &powermail[tt_news]=|
>  }
>With this TS the "register" link points to
>(1 is the ID of the news record)
>But now...how can I continue? 
>Thanks for the help and best regards
>Riccardo De Contardi
>B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it
>Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
>Tel +39.02 20 23 271 - Fax +39.02 20 240 561
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