Hello everybody
I've just noticed a strange behaviour of my Typo3 4.3.1 on Debian environment: Sometimes (not always) I edit a page, click on save & close and then go to another page, I am redirected to the "Template Module" This is the first time I see this odd behaviour; it seems to be random, and it doesn't seem to appear on another installation of the same version of T3 My Installed extensions: seo_basics 0.6.0 kickstarter 0.4.0 dam 1.1.4 danp_realurlconfigurator 1.0.3 crawler 3.0.0 staticpub 1.1.0 cron_accessiblemenus 0.7.0 chgallery 2.5.0 chnewsfeeds 1.1.0 css_styled_content 1.0.0 css_filelinks 0.2.16 dd_googlesitemap 1.0.3 pmkslimbox 3.1.0 realurl 1.7.0 accessible_is_browse_results 1.1.0 tt_address 2.2.1 sb_downloader 1.0.6 bh_feuserreg_acceptprivacy 0.0.1 sr_freecap 1.2.2 felogin 1.3.0 sr_feuser_register 2.5.24 indexed_search 2.12.0 kb_tv_cont_slide 0.4.3 sr_language_menu 1.5.1 tt_news 3.0.1 macina_searchbox 2.2.0 timtab_sociable 2.0.6 pil_mailform 3.0.4 rt_pageteaser 1.5.1 cr_tmailform_captcha 0.0.1 scheduler 1.0.0 static_info_tables 2.1.2 div2007 0.2.4 t3mootools 1.3.0 templavoila 1.3.7 Any guess? Thanks! -------------------------------------------- Riccardo De Contardi - Web Developer B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano TEL +39-02-20.23.271 - FAX +39-02-20.240.561 -------------------------------------------- Chi riceve il presente messaggio e' tenuto a verificare se lo stesso non gli sia pervenuto per errore. In tal caso e' pregato di avvisare immediatamente il mittente e, tenuto conto delle responsabilita connesse all'indebito utilizzo e/o divulgazione del messaggio e/o delle informazioni in esso contenute, voglia cancellare l'originale e distruggere le varie copie o stampe. The receiver of this message is required to check if he/she has received it erroneously. If so, the receiver is requested to immediately inform the sender and - in consideration of the responsibilities arising from undue use and/or disclosure of the message and/or the information contained therein - destroy the original message and any copy or printout thereof. _______________________________________________ TYPO3-english mailing list TYPO3-english@lists.typo3.org http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-english