> The hook is in tx_crawler_lib::getPageTSconfigForId(). It gets page TS
> config that you can modify.

Thanks very much for that hook! :)

I got my hook function to create the different combinations of
usergroups and create Page TSConfig on the fly, and the different
crawler configurations are shown in my list.

But no pages are to be crawled when i push the "update" button after
selecting my configuration

I got a single configuration created through the "list module", and if
I choose that configuration, the pages are shown for crawling.

I've debugged my way to the function urlListFromUrlArray in
class.tx_crawler_lib.php and outputted (print_r($vv)) the parameter
"vv". When choosing the configuration created through the list module
(as a entry in tx_crawler_configuration) the settings are outputted,
but if I choose on of my Page TSconfig configurations, no settings are

If I output the configurations in the function
getConfigurationsForBranch my Page TSconfig are shown perfectly.

Anyone with the same issue on page config based crawlercfg?

I put the new page tsconfig together with this code

                                        $temp['procInstrFilter'] =
                                        $temp['baseUrl'] =
                                        $temp['userGroups'] =

$fegroup['usergroup']).'.'] = $temp;

"test." is a dummy configuration used for creating the usergroup based


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