Hello Morten,

> When editors build a page with the content elements "image" and "text with 
> image" they have the option to browse for the image. This is what most 
> editors do. The problem is that the image lands in the uploads\pics folder 
> outside the fileadmin folder. If the editor wants to use the image somewhere 
> else it is not available and they have to reupload it.
> In installations with only one image folder it makes a lot of sense that all 
> images lands in that folder by default and that the folder is located within 
> the fileadmin folder so that images can be accessed.

Changing the location of the uploads folder for the reason you describe would 
not be a good idea because of the function of the uploads folder.

First what the uploads folder does and then a procedure for dealing with the 
situation you describe.

When a user creates a text with image CE and attaches an image, TYPO3 makes a 
copy of that image in the uploads folder (/uploads/pics/myimage.jpg). This copy 
becomes the "alpha" copy of that image for that specific CE and TYPO3 will use 
it as the original if it has to manipulate the size for FE output. 

 If you create another text with image and attach the same image to it, then 
TYPO3 will create another copy of that image with a number appended to it so 
there is no name conflict and that becomes the "alpha" copy of that image for 
that second CE ((/uploads/pics/myimage_01.jpg). 

If you have images that you want to use over and over. The user should put the 
those images in the fileadmin directory and then browse for them each time they 
need them. 

Ron Hall

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