Am 27.09.2010 15:14, schrieb Brian Bendtsen:
> Hi
> As the subject says, when using overridepage property the original
> content is not substituted with content you insert manually.
> Is this how it is made or is it a setting issue?
> My code:
> 10 = RECORDS
> 10.source.postUserFunc = tx_kbtvcontslide_pi1->main
> 10.source.postUserFunc.field = field_right_content
> 10.source.postUserFunc.table = tt_content
> 10.source.postUserFunc.overridePage = 12
> 10.tables = tt_content
> /BB

 I think you misunderstand how kb_tv_cont_slide works:
It will only ever kick in, if the element under consideration is empty.
The override page only specifies a different starting point for
searching for sliding content.

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