I would like to modify some default core labels, mainly of the "pages"
table, and I'm looking for some clean way of doing it. The following
already came to my mind and didn't seem appropriate:

1. Modify labels using "llxmltranslate". PROBLEM: it doesn't seem to be
possible to made a change for the default language by saving into an
external file (located in typo3conf/l10n/). That seems to be possible
only when editing other languages.

2. Modify labels by setting TCEFORM in PageTS config, e.g.
"TCEFORM.pages.title.label.default = New Label". PROBLEM: this doesn't
work in the List module.

3. Modify TCA by editing typo3conf/extTables.php. PROBLEM(s): Apparently
it's not possible to change labels this way (I believe it was possible
in TYPO3 4.4.x), though other configuration can be modified just fine.
Also, it wouldn't be possible to make the change on language basis,
basically only setting one label for all the languages.

Does anyone have a tip on how to do it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Tomas Mrozek
TYPO3-english mailing list

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