Building a new backend layout is extremely simple and straight forward,
kudos Joey!

Actually this was made by the whole T3UXW team - I was just part of it and the presenter of the video.

But now I need to move a lot of content to new columns, and the only
ways I can find to do this are fairly awkward:
- edit each record, change the value in the selectbox for columns, and save
- or, using the page-module, click the icon of the record and select cut
from the context menu, then click a content record icon in the
destination column and choose paste..... but this doesn't work if there
are no records in that column yet!
The clipboard should actually be working here, and should automatically
show paste icons when and where appropriate (TemplaVoila has this
already since many years). Is it possible to enable this in the page
module nowadays?

It stil seems to be missing which IMHO is a bug.

In Joey's video [1] he demonstrates drag and drop behaviour, but this
doesn't work here. Is it not implemented yet, or am I missing something?

Drag & Drop has been postponed to 4.6.

But there is a workaround to speed up the stuff you currently have to do manually:

Go to the list view and click on the table header of the tt_content table. Then select the colPos field to be shown in the list.

Now click on the pencil icon left of the column header and you should be able to change the colPos selectors of each element of this page in one go.



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