Am 15.02.2011 15:57, schrieb Bjoern Pedersen:
> Am 15.02.2011 15:38, schrieb Tomasz Melcer:
>> Hello,
>> I've got a set of static HTML files, and I'd like to put their contents
>> into TYPO3 as separate pages. Doing this manually will be cumbersome, as
>> this task will have to be repeated regularly (the HTML files are
>> generated from documentation of our product). Therefore I am looking for
>> a way to make this automatically, from a script which would create pages
>> and fill in columns with plain HTML elements accordingly.
>> I already have means to extract data. I am now looking for a way to make
>> automatic upload. I googled a bit, but it seems that my usual keywords
>> return nothing related to my problem.
>> What are my choices?
>> Does TYPO3 have any kind of remote API?
>> Should I think of writing a TYPO3 extension that would mass-create pages?
>> Thanks,
>> Tomasz Melcer
> I have used external_pageset for such an application,
> but these could also be useful:
> Björn
or maybe
can be tweaked to achieve your goal.

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