On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:13:58 +0100, Kay Strobach <ty...@kay-strobach.de> wrote:

Book (currently German only - but community translation is in progress):
Kurzlink: http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3897219654

i am also "passing" to extbase/fluid for my next projects...
it's not easy task, since english docs isn't yet top priority
(the english trasnlation of the book got a slowdown in january.. jsut few chapters are in english)

what i did was to download all extbase extesnions i could find in forge/ter/git
and study them

it's lot of work.. also because there is lot of new "theory" to be reverse engineered.

anyway i guess that with 4.5 and all the buzz around , extbase/fluid will get a boost in 2011!

(and it's so far ahead of pi_base and all other that i guess it's worth the time)

PS: lots of help / feedbacks you can find typo3v4mvc newsgroup


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  Stefano Cecere
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