
One of our websites has public and private pages - most are behind a
password - but some of the public pages are for marketing the site.

I am trying unsuccessfully to try and find a way where if a user
clicks on a password only page, we can have them automatically sent to
a special marketing page that says something along the lines of "This
page is meant for subscribers only.  If you would like to enquire
about a subscription click here etc."  Doesnt matter about the message
but i need to be able to set the page ID that an access denied user
would be bounced to.

The problem is right now if a deep link (maybe in a newsletter) that
the user has no access to is clicked on, it automatically takes them
to the first page up in the tree structure that the user has rights to
access.  I have looked through manuals and searched online but have
not found a setting to change where the denied user is sent.

Can anyone help me with how to accomplish this?

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