Am 15.02.2011 16:09, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
What kind of problems do you, guys, have?

Stefano Cecere wrote:
i was struggling with the same setup..

i am quite about to give up t3blog :(
but i hope to give a final last try tomorrow


i've got following structure


..and many more pids..

I want to display on "home":
-latest comments in my own special design for this pid
-latest entries with category xy in my own special design for this pid
-latest entries with category aa with just date and title

I want to display on "blog":
-a basic blog
--maincontent: listing of entries with pagebrowser
--sidebar: categories, tags, archive

I want to display on "tutorials":
-a basic blog with entries from category xy only which point to the detailpid

So, how should I include my T3Blog-Parts in my TV-Site? AND how can I style each other?

Thanks in forward,
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