Am 16.02.2011 23:38, schrieb Olivier Dobberkau:
Am 14.02.11 22:44, schrieb Andy Weber:

So are there any other "clever" solutions? Is there a good alternative
to rsync, perhaps in combination with icron?

better varnish vcl?

Hi Olivier,

cloudfront is no alternative for me.

Better varnish vcl? O.K. sounds interesting - maybe something like that works? 1. Check if a site is not in varnish cache (maybe its a new TYPO3 Site and therefore no tempfile is writen yet)
2. If true, send the "client" always to my first frontend server.
3. The first webserver wirtes the temp-file
4. incron realizes that und initialize an rsync to my second frontend-webserver 5. If an other client asks for the same site - he gets the cached one from varnish or varnish knows now that the site is not new and can ask my second frontend webserver for the site, too. (maybe if the cache time is exhausted?)

Mh, I don't know if this is a clever solution or even if this is a solution for a load-balancing system.

So what do you think?


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