I've had the same problem a long time ago with "local" anchors I've used to 
build a "Jump to section" menu...

Keep the
 config.tx_realurl_enable = 1
 config.prefixLocalAnchors = 1

And rewite the "to top" object in a manner similar to this:

        value=link to header
        typolink.target =
        typolink.addQueryString = 1
        typolink.parameter = #header
        typolink.ATagParams = tabindex="1" rel="nofollow"

Best regards.

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: typo3-english-boun...@lists.typo3.org per conto di Tomoko OOYA
Inviato: sab 19/02/2011 4.48
A: typo3-english@lists.typo3.org
Oggetto: [TYPO3-english] staticpub and to top link
Hi, I'm working on my first TYPO3 site.

with  config.prefixLocalAnchors = all, output in static html file
<p class="csc-linkToTop"><a href="index.php?id=588#container">
result in broken link

without config.prefixLocalAnchors = all  output
<p class="csc-linkToTop"><a href="../../../#container">
result in link to root page

what's wrong?

instllation --------------------------------------------------

 TYPO3:  4.3.3
 realurl: 1.8.1
 staticpub: 1.1.0

realurl setup ------------------------------------------------

 config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0
 config.baseURL = http://192.168.X.XXX/
 config.tx_realurl_enable = 1
 config.prefixLocalAnchors = 1

staticpub setup -----------------------------------------------

tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets {
  staticpub = &L=[|_TABLE:pages_language_overlay;_FIELD:sys_language_uid]
  staticpub.procInstrFilter = tx_staticpub_publish
  staticpub.procInstrParams.tx_staticpub_publish.includeResources = relPath
  staticpub.procInstrParams.tx_staticpub_publish.overruleBaseUrl =

  staticpub.baseUrl = http://localhost/
TYPO3-english mailing list


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