Am 22.02.2011 09:23, schrieb Chris:
Hi Guys

we have an error with sending the newsletter via cronjob: The marker
###USER_tx_gender### is not displayed in the newsletter.
Only the last name (###last_name###) is displayed correctly, e.g. "Meier".

Though by sending the newsletter manually via " Invoke Mailer Engine"
everything is displayed correctly, e.g. "Sehr geehrter Herr Meier".

We are using Typo3 4.4.4
direct_mail 2.6.9
(We have entered "gender,las_name" in the "addRecipFields" of
direct_mail in the extension manager.)
df_direct_mail_subscription 1.0.5

In our newsletter template the markers are named as follows:
###USER_tx_gender### ###USER_last_name###

We have already changed the backend language english/german. But it
didn't help neither.

Do you know what we are doing wrong?

Thank you in advance
Best Regards
I didn't found a working extension for that problem. Thats why I'm develop a salutation-extension for direct_mail which works for me on 4 installations:

Josef Florian Glatz
TYPO3-english mailing list

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