On 03/22/2011 12:49 PM, Thomas Allmer wrote:

is it possible to set a different size for the textpic element if
inserted in different columns?

I currently set the size with constants
styles.content.imgtext.maxW = 474
styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText = 245
> this is the size of the images in the "main" column, but you can also
> insert textpic elements on the "sidebar" and there the imgtext.maxW
> should be 250... is this possible?

styles.content.imgtext.maxW = 474
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override = 250
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.if.value = 2
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.if.isInList.field = colPos

maxW is 250 if contentelement is stored in column 2 (right)
otherwise it is 474

doing it with system-defaults:

styles.content.imgtext.maxW = 300
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.if.value = 2
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.if.isInList.field = colPos

maxW is defined only for column 2, other columns have no maxW definition

combination for different columns
styles.content.imgtext.maxW = 500
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override = COA
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.10 = TEXT
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.10.value = 250
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.10.if.value = 2
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.10.if.isInList.field = colPos
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.20 = TEXT
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.20.value = 150
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.20.if.value = 1
styles.content.imgtext.maxW.override.20.if.isInList.field = colPos

column left:  maxW = 150
column right: maxW = 250
otherwise: 500

with stdWrap for every TS-value it is easy :-)

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