On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 19:21:35 +1100
Christian Lerrahn <ty...@penpal4u.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I have a site which has the structure
> > 
> > home
> > |
> > -- uk
> > |
> > -- de
> > |
> > -- fr
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > 
> > Now, the site offers http://www.example.com/uk as
> > http://www/example.co.uk/ as well, same for
> > http://www.example.com/de and http://www.example.de and
> > http://www.example.com/fr and http://www.example.fr.
> > 
> > I can easily set up the site to work for the different domain names
> > by using domain records. Using TS conditions I can also make sure
> > that the site is cached with different base tags (CoolURI in use)
> > and so on. I can live with the fact that CoolUri will still
> > generate Links like http://www.example.co.uk/uk/abc instead of
> > http://www.example.co.uk/abc.
> > 
> > However, there is one real problem I have. As the whole site is one
> > tree, editors can set internal links to pages outside their branch
> > of the tree. If for example the editor on the French pages linked
> > to the page http://www.example.com/uk/abc he would do so through an
> > internal link. Now, the problem there is that because of my base
> > tag, this link will then become http://www.example.fr/uk/abc which
> > is invalid because this page is outside what TYPO3 knows as the
> > root of the example.fr domain. How do I solve this problem? Do I
> > have to move all the branches out of the main branch and mount them
> > in instead? It is important to me that the path
> > http://www.example.com/uk/abc is still valid and does not get
> > rewritten.
> I have found a workaround which works for now. However, it comes with
> 2 trade-offs. What I did is set the TS templates on the "country
> level" pages all to be root level templates. The small price to pay
> for that is that I have to re-include my TV templates on the country
> level root pages now. The much bigger trade-off (and the reason why I
> still consider this makeshift) is that I get ugly URLs for the pages
> external to the local branch now. In other words, if I link to
> http://www.example.com/fr (id=4) from http://www.example.co.uk, I get
> a link http://www.example.com/?id=4 now instad of
> http://www/example.com/fr . I'm using CoolURI for path generation. Can
> this be fixed somehow?

Oops. Another vital piece of information was of course that I use

config.typolinkCheckRootline = 1

in the "country level" templates.

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