
Andreas Becker wrote:
The feature this thread is talking about is called
*Exclude the middle of the path segment.*
It is also possible to exclude multiple middle of the path segments, what is
very useful to structure multidomain websites i.e. to group news not only
with categories but also inside branches.

----- level1
-----------level 1.1
-----------------level 1.1.1
----------------------------- website


That exists in RealURL using a checkbox in the page properties.

But you need to take care by yourself for doubled URLs!!! sometimes not
easy! depending on the size of your site

Not sure what you mean but you do not have to care about it with RealURL. You just exclude segments by checking the box.

The orignal question was: is it possible to have
http://localhost/article/la-la-la.htm instead of
http://localhost/news/article/la-la-la.htm. If you answer "yes, CoolURI
can do that", it would mean CoolURI has a better implementation of this

So the answer is clearly yes it can do that.

Hm, but "you have to take care of", etc. I did not understand what exactly should be done but it does not seem automatic.

If CoolURI could skip the last segment in the easy way, it is good. RealURL requries the last page segment to stay but will exclude it if it is in the middle.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security team member
E-mail: dmitry.dule...@typo3.org
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