Hello everybody.

IMHO the way CSS styled content renders the CE ³Text with Images² (I mean
the resulting HTML+CSS) is quite complicated and should be simplified

- there are a lot of classes
- there are inline styles (style=²width:etc²) that should be avoided
- if you set captions for images, the  HTML that arranges images becomes a
dl/dt/dd structure; as far as I know, there are screen readers, like JAWS
that speak an "=" between the term and its definition, so:
<dl><dt><img src="typo3temp/myimage.png" alt="alt of the
image"></dt><dd>caption of the image</dd></dl>

Would be spoken as:

"alt of the image = caption of the image"

I think this should be confusing for the users (and... if there is no alt?
³ = caption of the image²?? ); maybe the plain ul/li structure could be
sufficient (plus surroinding the caption with a <span>)

I¹ll be glad to know your opinion about this topic. I¹ll be soon start
making some mock-ups experiments with a ³simplified² HTML+CSS; if someone is
interested, let me know.

Thank you and best regards

Riccardo De Contardi ­ Web Developer
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it <http://www.bhuman.it>
Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
TEL +39-02-20.23.271 - FAX +39-02-20.240.561


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