i'm adding the felogin to a page with TS:

20 < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1
20 {
storagePid = {$styles.content.loginform.pid}
redirectMode >
redirectPageLogin >
  redirectMode = login
  redirectPageLogin = 24
  preserveGETvars  = All
redirectMode = login
redirectDisable = 0

my login page is: index.php?id=59&events[single]=1
so my redirect_url needs to be: index.php?id=24&events[single]=1
<input type="hidden" value="index.php?id=24&events[single]=1"

Then you need just compose the form by yourself in TS - you don't need to use felogin at all for this. Just add page with id=24 to form action attribute by typolink and pass this minimum sets if params:
user={login} - input text
pass={password} - input text
pid={FE users pid} - input hidden
logintype=login - input hidden

And add your own param: events[single]=1 - input hidden
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