
On 1-9-2011 10:15, Andreas Becker wrote:
Is there a way to define the size of specific content elements for the
normal website 1000px and with another size for a mobile website with 320px

Right now we managed to get all elements nicely floating and non fixed sized
images resized for a mobile Template but i.e. YouTube Videos and some Jquery
extensions have fixed width. Is it possible to check if the user agent in a
browser 1000px or a mobile browser 320px width and those content elements
get resized accordingly.

With the enormous variation in screen sizes, devices and agents it can be a solution to provide a selection of sizes in your designs. For all intermediate sizes you can decide to keep the design with a fixed size or use a liquid design which scales nicely.

This can be done with CSS media queries and a nice fall back for older browsers which do not support this.

A good example of this approach are the Less framework [1] (fixed grid) and Golden Grid System [2] (fluid grid).

An extra advantage is that you can easily test with a recent browser by resizing the window.

[1] http://lessframework.com/
[2] http://goldengridsystem.com/

Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert.
TYPO3-english mailing list

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