Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Kay.

I can make it work with the following code (I am using the Generic Marker extension):

mp4size = TEXT
mp4size {
  field = generic_tx_mknewfields_videofile
  filelink {
    path = fileadmin/folder/videos/project/
    size = 1

That will output a link to the file and the raw filesize right after the link. Great!

However I still face some challenges.

1. The path is not the same for each file. So I need to build the path dynamically.

I can do this easily since the file and the folder are named almost the same.

mp4path = COA
mp4path.10 = TEXT
mp4path.10 {
field = generic_tx_mknewfields_videofile
split {
      token = _controller.swf
      cObjNum = |*|1|*|2
      1.current = 1
      1.noTrimWrap = ||/|
      2.current = 1
wrap = {$baseURL}fileadmin/{$mappe}/videos/|

This will give me the correct path but how do I write that path equals the code above?

Something like
path = and then my snippet.

All help is appreciated.

Den 04-Sep-11 16:07, Kay Strobach skrev:
please take a look in the TS for the filelinks content element in css
styled content;)
There should be an example;)

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