
I have a site where FE Users can edit their profiles. The profiles can be 
viewed by visitors to the site. My problem has been that I have to clear the 
cache of all profiles if one profile is updated (because they're viewed on a 
single page). That's a huge amount of cache clearing (one for each FE User 
profile), where what you need only to clear a single cache instance. I've 
Googled, and seen other people fighting the same issue, so I made a solution in 
an extension. I called it "Easy Cache Tags", and it's available at the TER:
http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/lilio_cachetags/current/ (the 
manual is still rendering)

It requires only two lines of TypoScript, and it can be hooked into any COA, 
COA_INT or stdWrap, so you can make it work with pretty much any extension or 
custom TypoScript. To clear cache you don't even need to think about which page 
ID to clear the cache for, you just need to track where any record is displayed:

    - Insert TypoScript where a record (like an FE User) is displayed
    - Insert TypoScript where a record is updated.

The extension requires that you have the caching framework enabled, and it is 
also clears the cache in nc_staticfilecache if you're using it.

This is an alpha release, and it doesn't solve every possible problem, so feel 
free to e-mail me if you have any suggestions or feedback!

Best wishes

Mathias Bolt Lesniak
LiliO - www.lilio.no

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