Hi Andreas - no that is not what I am after - I do not simply want a horisontal list of submenus, but a stacked horisontal list of submenus devided by (n) columns

I drew up an example


I am fine with level 1 and level 2 (although the order is not (1,2),(3,4),(5) but rather (1,4),(2,5),(3) - because I am testing against %3 - I can live with that - also the menu's will change from 5 to whatever, - say it has 7 entries: (1,4,7),(2,5),(3,6) - ideally I would want it (1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7) - but like I said - I can live with it )

The problem is that a simple menu looks like this:

menu = HMENU
menu {
## first level
   1.expAll = 1
   1.NO = 1
## second level
   2.expAll = 1
   2.NO = 1



but because I am using ({register:count_HMENU_MENUOBJ}+2)%3

in the ## first level block

and need the count to continue to duplicate the block and test for

I can't have the
## second level

I'll have to write some pretty complex COA object, etc..

-------- the next is a rant - - -
I have implemented the simple menu and used javascript to move things around client side for now (this took me 15min) - but I do want to lessen client-side UI configuration

while with typoscript I have been spending more than 2 days and I keep on hitting walls

PHP would also be easier - I reckon I have to learn how to write a typo3 extension and extend it with PHP -

I wish I could use javascript or PHP server side to accomplish this easy and not hassle with typoscript

I do want to learn how to do it since I do want to understand typoscript better

Why?? - because I love TYPO3



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