Why don't you simple make them "hidden in the menu"? This way you'll be able to easily 'enable' them instead of correcting TS all the time.

On 9/23/2011 5:00 PM, Urs Bräm wrote:
Ah, I'm stuck with a probably very simple thing:

Here's a page tree

+ Fish
-- Trout
-- Perch
+ Vegetables
-- Zucchetti
-- Carrots

And that's how I would like to render it:

+ Vegetables
-- Zucchetti
-- Carrots

So Fish should never be open, Vegetables always.

The Vegetables id can be set with "alwaysActivePIDlist", so that's solved.

But is there a way to tell TMENU not to show the subpages of some pages (by ID)? The opposite of alwaysActivePIDlist?


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