At the moment I hae put together sth like this:

getCategories = CONTENT
getCategories {
  table = tt_news_cat
  select {
    pidInList = 17
    where = parent_category=0
    orderBy = title
  renderObj = COA
  renderObj {
    10 = HTML
    10.value = <option value="

    15 = TEXT
    15.insertData = 1
    15.typolink { = page:uid
      additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[cat]={field:uid}
      additionalParams.insertData = 1
      returnLast = url
      useCacheHash = 1

    17 = HTML
    17.value = "

    19 = TEXT
    19 {
      value =  selected
      if.value.field = uid = GPvar:tx_ttnews|cat

    21 = HTML
    21.value = >

    25 = TEXT = field:title

    30 = HTML
    30.value = </option>

temp.newscats = COA
temp.newscats {
  5 = TEXT
  5.value = <p>Filter:</p><ul><li>

  10 = TEXT
  10.value = <form><fieldset>

  20 = TEXT
  20.value = <label for="destination">Filer:</label>

  30 = TEXT
30.value = <select onChange="if(this.selectedIndex!=0) self.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">

  35 = TEXT
  35.value = <option value="0">Alle</option>

  40 < getCategories

  50 = TEXT
  50.value = </select>

  #60 = TEXT
  #60.value = <input name="no_cache" type="hidden" value="1" />

  #70 = TEXT
  #70.value = <input type="button" value="Submit" />

  100 = TEXT
  100.value = </fieldset></form>

Works ok, but it seems to me that this solution has two flaws:

1. the parts around the selected area in getCategories (step 19) seems to be edgy, but no solutions with override that I tried to put togehter worked out:

    19 = TEXT
    19 {
      value = ">
      override = " selected>
      if.value.field = uid = GPvar:tx_ttnews|cat

(and get rid of 17 and 21)
Any ideas what's wrong here?

2. The form work with an onchange command. I cannot think of a solution without Javascript. The commented-out steps will show a submit button, but the form won't work. Of yourse, those would need an actions-statement in the form-tag, but how is that supposed to look? And where would be the condition that checks whether the button was pressed or not?
I'd be grateful fpr any advice here! Thanks!

Regards, Robert

Am 18.11.11 21:15, schrieb Robert Wildling:

For some reason the tt_news 3.1 CATMENU won't work in my enviroment, so
I put sth together myself with lots of help from other forums:

getCategories = CONTENT
getCategories {
table = tt_news_cat
select {
pidInList = 17
where = parent_category=0
orderBy = title
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.dataWrap = <option value="{field:uid}">{field:title}</option>
10.insertData = 1

temp.newscats = COA
temp.newscats {
10 = TEXT
10.value = <form id="filter" action="index.php?id=7&tx_ttnews[cat]={--->
THIS IS THE PROBLEM <---}" method="get"><fieldset>

20 = TEXT
20.value = <label for="destination">Filer:</label>

30 = TEXT
30.value = <select id="destination" name="destination" size="1"><option

40 < getCategories

50 = TEXT
50.value = </select>

60 = TEXT
60.value = <input name="no_cache" type="hidden" value="1" />

70 = TEXT
70.value = <input type="button" value="Submit" /></fieldset></form>

The problem is getting the category id into the form action url, so that
an onchange.command could reload the page and identify the chosen category.

Furthermore it would be great to include a cHash... ynabody can help here?

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