
Daniel Neugebauer wrote:
On 12/01/2011 09:39 AM, Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
I second that. There are tables that are mainly read. They need to be
MyISAM because that is the fastest. Changing them to InnoDB will slow
down the whole installation.

But that's not the only reason to keep it at mixed storage engines, is it?

Mostly it is (data integrity for some tables is the other reason). TYPO3 does a lot of database queries, so having fast reads for some tablers is a must. And MyISAM is much faster.

I remember that indexes behave differently (e.g. maximum index length)
and InnoDB doesn't support full-text search? Plus, InnoDB has a limit on
the maximum size of a row that would interfere with the large number of
columns that are (especially) required in tt_content, wouldn't it?

True. Also any table with BLOB or TEXT will be slower than other tables if the size of the blob or text is more than 4KB.

For a project with user integration between Typo3 and a webapp, we had
to write into fe_users. With all out tables being InnoDB we could use
transactions but since that one table is MyISAM, we had to write an
awful lot of special handling in case we have to rollback. We would have
simply changed the storage engine instead but we feared that may have
broken something (either in Typo3 core or some extension).

This is a special case. In such case I would change everything to InnoDB, of course. But we cannot do it for everybody because a typical case is different than your specific case :)

Out of curiosity, I'm tempted to try PostgreSQL for Typo3 some time but
as I fear that many extensions are MySQL-specific (and maybe requiring a
particular storage engine), that's something I would only try for my own
website and not for customer websites, at least not yet.

Some people could. Try googling for it, there are recipes for doing it. But TYPO3 runs best with MySQL, of course.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security teams member
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