hi steffen hi jigal

you are absolutely right.
Another factor is frustration. ie the typo3.org website could already be online 
since april 2008. we invested lots of hours to setup a good structure and many 
other things until the leadership changed and for months there where only 
discussions about who will be leading next.

Thinks take way to long to make them happen. all the time and nights we 
invested in 2007/2008 was more or less wasted time after all. this is very 

But looking to other CMS you will see that most of them include some quite 
essential features in core.

login/ registration
which works instantly

there are quite a lot of very good solutions out in TER which are managed by 
companies and not only one developer who might quite after leaving university.

Those company extensions are often used in many websites alread they get 
maintained and thexy have an own interest to do this job.

all typo3 browser stuff

often good solutions dont get integrated because they dont seem to be supported 
by the core team!

Why not trying out another new model of social sponsoring incl maintenance 
guarantee contract for 3-5 years at least?

Include those companies as sponsors and supporters and i am sure more companies 
will offer their time or team to help out

Imho to many extensions get developpwd with nearly the same featuresets. a 
waste of time! Much better would be to have dedicated teams i. e login 
registration subscription

which concentrate on one integrated but perfect working core extension
if this development is covered by a company even better ie datamints

get the news out with cyberhouse and georg. dont waste time in improving ttnews

try to involve those who are specialuzed in direct mailing to get their stuff 
cliser integrated an instantly supported by the core parts etcetc

mention all those supporters incl their guarantee to mainain the extension 
until 2015 .. and they will get some free advertizing as thank you like those 
who already offer the ter hosting mirrors


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 22, 2011, at 21:53, Jigal van Hemert <ji...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

>> develop *and* maintain also essential
>> extensions. That's why there's
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