Hi, List.

I've started using flux + fed extensions as alternative to TV FCE. It going slowly, but I like it much! :)
The only problem I have so far is image preview generation in BE.
The code:
<f:section name="Preview">
 Image: <f:image src="{slideImage}" alt="image" />

Output is:
<img src="../fileadmin/template/pics/slide.png" alt="image" />
And this is not correct, because server tries to find following image by this path: domain.tld/typo3/sysext/cms/fileadmin/template/pics/slide.png - and that is not correct.
Is it bug of an extension or I'm doing something worng?

Right now I've made a following workaround:
<f:section name="Preview">
Image: <img src="../../../{f:uri.image(src: '{slideImage}')}" alt="image" />

That produces correct output, but not so ellegant.
So, is there any better way to generate preview image?

And another question about flux + fed: can I develop simple plugins with list + single view without developing of my own extension, but with only TS and fed? If so, are there any hints or examples?
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