have a look at http://templavoila.bussynoggin.com
Check out Extension - march8 - 
Go to http://webempoweredchurch.org
Choose one of the the PACKT books about Templating 

Try to understand how the Extensions framework for templavoila and march8 work. 
Install them and checkout how it is done in typo3conf/ext/ directory. 

If you want to do standard templating download the government and the 
introduction package and compare their typoscript setting and how they do 

If you want to use the upcoming new way extbase fluid than install the FED 
extension and its example site and again check out its code and settings in 
typo3conf/ext and on the FED website.

Templavoila Framework has already lots of skins available which you can very 
easy modify and secure and backup with one simple click. It is a bit 
problematik with html5 and responsive Design but working.

TV Framework is working with general content folders for the column content. 
footer and header are done by Typoscript like in standard templating. The 
content areas are very flexible and easy to modify on the fly with drag and 
drop and referenced content etc,

It has lots of skins available in TER which you can easily download and modify. 
IMHO best way to start learning TYPO3 and Templating with TYposcript. learning 
by doing on a complete system - download the Starter Package from 

March8 is a very modern version based on bussy noggins framework. It is fully 
html5 and very good in html5 semantics designs. Unfortunately it is in Spanish!

ABC is based on March8 and fully English and extends its features and 
usabillity with lots of more features, especially useful for HTML5, responsive 
design and mobile websites. - unfortunately not in TER.

Both: March8 and ABC are working with Mastertemplates. Very easy to use and 
very modularised using the full power of TV and TYPO3. You can create templates 
more or less completely by drag and drop and with ready made building blocks 
(those are based on typoscript) and get inserted as typoscriptobjects. Ideal 
for designers with lesser programming knowledge! Or for companies which wanna 
use the power of TYPO3 in an easy way.

they are ideal for users and webmasters who want to modify and maintain also 
the design of their site in a very easy way without harming a complete site,

There is also if20 you could check out for lots of examples. They have also of 
cc and comercial additional stuff and templates to learn from.


Some other YAMLCSS Template Systems for TV and automake available in TER.

FED is very modularized and easy to modify if you are a programmer. Very 
flexible and more and more Extensions are based on Extbased Fluid. Twitter 
Bootstrap template is available in TER for mobile Websites.

Automake like the government and introduction packages are great for 
programmers which know typoscript and don't need flexible Content areas and 
flexible designs for Editors.

It is a good base which can also be used than in modern templating and 
futuristic templating and now also in fluid templating.




Sent from my iPad

On 2 ก.ค. 2555, at 8:21, tom <typost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to make typo3 html template, is there any documentation(except
> Modern Template Building) can show me how to do it step by step?
> Tom
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