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-----Messaggio originale-----
[] Per conto di Stephen Bungert
Inviato: lunedì 9 luglio 2012 08:35
Oggetto: [TYPO3-english] Using different domains for different languages

Is it possible to set up hmenus to show link to different domains based on the 
L var?

I have a multi-language site in one tree, and german needs to have it's own 
domain. I set this up, and if you use the .de domaion you see the site in 
german, but all the language flags in the language menu use this domain, so 
even if you switch to english the german domain is used. Another problem caused 
by this is that google will see the same content under different URLs. I plan 
to add a canonical tag and change this for the germn language.

I want all languages in the navigation menu to use the .com domain except 

Has anyone any tips on how to solve this?


TYPO3-english mailing list


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