Safe_mode is your problem.
It's not supported by TYPO3 4.6

But in general, safe_mode is never a good idea and is deprecated since php 5.3 and completely dropped in PHP 5.4

Kind regards,

Rutger Mik

Op 17-7-2012 10:04, Mezek schreef:

The server of my provider uses PHP 5.3.11, MySQL 5.1.55. Safe_mode is On.
After upgrade source files from 4.5 to 4.6 version, removing cache files...,
I cannot see Install tool nor Backend. I see only blank page, with source
code simple "1". When file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL is missing I can see only
"The Install Tool is locked" message, that's all.
With 4.5.17 everything works fine, the extensions are updated.

I suppose that the problem is somehow connected with PHP. Because it's
external provider, I don't have access to log files :( and I must find out
errors on client side.

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