[Martin Bless] wrote & schrieb:
>I'm trying to use gridelements - but clicking "Create new content
>element" doesn't succeed. Instead Firebug Networks shows that there is
>damaged URL requested which gives a 404 Not Found error:
>I tried in several installations of 4.5 and 4.7: No success.
>Is that error known? Something with the PHP version, as a friend of
>mine assumes? My tests are on Ubuntu 12.04 with PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2.

It seems to be a bug. I've reported it here:

new_content_el Wizard does not work if TYPO3 is installed in subfolder
of webroot


Really cool, these gridelements. Thanks! But:

The new content element wizard "new_content_el" does not work if the
TYPO3 installation is in the subfolder of webroot. The reason seems to
be that in Extjs JS the URL is created as "/typo3/sysext/cms/..." and
not as "((/subfolderPath))/typo3/sysext/cms/..."

The supplied patch precisely shows what I mean. If I replace
"/WEBROOT/SUBFOLDER/INSTALLDIR" in the patch with the correct path the
wizard works.

HTH - Hope This Helps


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