i have this code

  [globalVar = global:HTTP_POST_VARS|rent-a-car|get_car = Katowice]
  get_carpid = TEXT
  get_carpid.value = 27

and this select
          markers.master_input_wart = CONTENT
          markers.master_input_wart {
            table = tx_pbjokapricelist_prices_full
            select {
              pidInList = get_carpid
              orderBy = uid
              selectFields = uid, group_a_1_3
              # possible conditions
where = ( tx_pbjokapricelist_prices_full.uid='1' AND hidden='0' AND deleted='0')
            renderObj = COA
            renderObj {
              1 = TEXT
              1.insertData = 1
              1.data = field:group_a_1_3
              2 = TEXT
              2.value = *
              3 = TEXT
              3.insertData = 1
              3.data = global:HTTP_POST_VARS|rent-a-car|finish_day
              stdWrap.prioriCalc = 1

how to use defined get_carpid in SELECT in line pidInList = get_carpid

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