On 23/08/12 17:03, Scotty C wrote:

> Depending on the volume of traffic on your sites, you can put multiple
> sites on one T3 installation - just set up a good page tree and make
> use of the domain record in list view. This would of course require
> a beefy server, but I've found that you can safely run 20 SOHO web
> sites without problem or security risk.

Well, I have no doubt that TYPO3 can handle 20 and more websites on one
installation by using domain records and mount points.

However, I see a few risks and pitfalls such as increased maintenance
work to administer BE user records and permissions (the content of a
website is usually maintained by editors... not by the person who set up
the TYPO3 site).

Apart from this, I am not sure if all clients are happy to "share" an
instance (even they do not recognise it). Some folders *are* shared,
e.g. typo3temp, typo3conf, uploads, etc. and contain data from other

What would you do if a client wants to move to another server? E.g. a
different geographical location or a different hosting provider? Yes,
you can use TYPO3's T3D export/import functionality but again, a lot
more work than keeping every instance separate.

Fredol's original post indicated, that he runs 100 TYPO3 installations
and wonders how other keep these installations up-to-date (especially in
regards to security alerts).

We monitor about 10 servers in various locations around the world
(Australia, Singapore, USA and Europe) with Nagios and use the TYPO3
extension "nagios" to get a warning if an insecure TYPO3 core version or
TYPO3 extension is running. Nagios also warns us if the remaining disk
space drops below a threshold or if backups are faulty or missing (plus
a couple of other checks).


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