Am 10.09.2012 10:56, schrieb Tomasz Imbierczak:
> Do I need an extension that can be placed on the site (frontend) in
> several places. Therefore, it seems to me that would be the best category
> frontend plugin. Unfortunately I did not find anywhere in the
> documentation how to do it. I am a beginner in TYPO3 so I need a
> description of a very clear and simple. In this never came.
> When someone was kind enough to show me the description and / or as
> described in the file which I put to the plugin was created. Just me an
> example of the usual "Hello World" which appears in place (frontdend) to
> insert this plugin.


a good starting page is:

To get a skeleton extension  either get the ExtensionBuilder extension (
will give a modern extbase/fluid  extension) or the kickstarter
extension (this will generate a old-style extension).


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