Hi Katja,

this is great. Please put it on some blog post or wiki or whatever, :-).



Katja Lampela wrote:
Hi Shahil,

I don't use templavoila but here is the traditional approach.
(Please correct someone if I'm wrong or outdated!)

The standard model of templating has 4 main editable columns (0
"Normal",1 "Left", 2 "Right", 3 "Border"). This is often enough and you
can layout these columns in which ever way you want in your html
template. (You can also add more main columns, but this requires extra
coding, see below the "FOR EXTRA COLUMNS TO WORK". You can also devide
the main column into editable sub columns, but that you can learn later
maybe, anything is possible anyway ;)

The templating is in 3 parts:

A. HTML template (This could be done with ts also, but I find it easiest
to make the design with html+css)
B. typoscript template
C. backend template (optional, this tells how the editor sees the
columns with WEB/Page module. I dont' get into this in this post.)

the main markers (subpart)
<!-- ###DOCUMENT_BODY### END-->

and within blahblah you have the html and divs you want and markers like
###colNormal###, ###colLeft### and so on. Inside the marker goes the
content editor inserts with TYPO3.
The extra columns could be marked as ###col4###, ###col5### and so on.

For anything to work you need to install into your main ts
template/Includes/Include Static the css_styled_content.

So my setup would be following.

#if you have extra columns add/insert this in the beginning
temp.additionalcolumn4 = CONTENT
temp.additionalcolumn4 {
     table = tt_content
     select {
         pidInList = this
         orderBy = sorting
         where = colPos = 4
         languageField = sys_language_uid

#the main part is:

page.stylesheet = fileadmin/template/css/yourtylesheet.css
page.bodyTag = <body class="yourbodyclass">
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10.marks.PAGE_UID = TEXT
page.10.marks.PAGE_UID.field = uid
//page.10.template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 //this ext is a
good thing to examin
page.10.template.file = your file to your html template

page.10  {
    workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
    marks.colNormal < styles.content.get
    marks.colLeft < styles.content.getLeft
    marks.colRight < styles.content.getRight
    marks.colBorder < styles.content.getBorder
    marks.col4 < temp.additionalcolumn4

FOR EXTRA COLUMNS TO WORK (now please correct me someone if this is not
needed anymore)

You also have to modify the typo3conf/extTables.php

Here would be the columns I want to use, the snippet is originally
copied from some setup. I don't know about the | pipes, how many and
what marks what. Hopefully some kind soul will tell. Anyway I include
this in the end of the typo3conf/extTables.php:

t3lib_extMgm::addPageTSConfig('mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0,1,2,3,4,5
$TCA["tt_content"]["columns"]["colPos"]["config"]["items"] = array (
                     "0" => array ("NORMAL||here probably is the extra
lang name of the column||||||||","0"),
                     "1" => array ("LEFT||blah1 your column
                     "2" => array ("RIGHT||blah2||||||||","2"),
                     "3" => array ("BORDER||blah3 ||||||||","3"),
                     "4" => array ("Column 4||blah4||||||||","4"),

That's it - hope it helps you.

Kind regards,

19.9.2012 15:11, Shahil Sham kirjoitti:

I am doing an upcoming project in Typo3 and getting into the basics have
been overwhelming.
Can anyone give me a sample template of how to add content to a specific
div in a my html template using typoscript?
I can print the content and the layouts seperately, but have no idea
how to
print it within the template defined below:

*# Template content object:*
*temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE*
*temp.mainTemplate {*
*  template = FILE*
*  template.file = fileadmin/template/customTemplate_1.html*
*  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY*
*  subparts.INSIDE_HEADER = HTML*
*  subparts.INSIDE_HEADER.value = {field:title}*
*  subparts.INSIDE_HEADER.value.insertData = 1*
*  subparts.INSIDE_CONTENT.value = < styles.content.get*
*  subparts.INSIDE_CONTENT.value.insertData = 1*
*  subparts.INSIDE_FOOTER = HTML*
*  subparts.INSIDE_FOOTER.value = &copy 2012. All rights reserved*

*# Default PAGE object:*
*page = PAGE*
*page.typeNum = 0*

*page.9 < temp**.mainTemplate*

I tried the highlighted style, but didnt get it. I would like a sample
template and a Typoscript template to refer if possible. Thanks
Also, What is a decent method for creating a custom Template. The many
outdated tutorials, and with many methods like Viola and Template Parser,
which is better to follow?
PS, I've been doing PHP development, HTML, CSS, Joomla for few years, and
this is my first attempt at Typo3.

Shahil Sham

skype: shahilsham

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